BrigitteByWindow-VideoStillI apologize for being scarce with posts the past few months.  My coauthor’s book “Don’t Say Anything to Anybody” kept me busy through 2017, and Brigitte certainly enjoyed the incredible feedback and support she received from regional fans.  But by the end of last year, her health was in severe decline.  For all of us who support Brigitte’s grassroots book marketing, our time shifted from business meetings to simple visits just to sit and be with her.

It is with deep sadness that we let you know Brigitte Z. Yearman passed away on Saturday, February 17, 2018.

My most heartfelt thanks and gratitude to you our readers.  You all made it possible for Brigitte to hold her book in her hands AND enjoy several months of uplifting feedback.  We are forever grateful to you.

I shared some at Brigitte’s Memorial last Wednesday.  You can read those words at the extended post on Brigitte’s blog.

Hugs to all of you,
